Miyagi Chojun (Photo) Online Workshop Part 2 (03/23/2025) - Register Now!

Evolving Kata Bunkai

Kata Bunkai - Beginner to Organic:

The evolution (from beginner to organic) of bunkai is to be found in the transitional movements that stitch kata together, and within foundational principles of Sanchin and Tensho katas. If we consider the basic bunkai for any movement it will invariably begin with a simple punch, kick, grab, etc. from the attacker. The defender will then apply a technique based on the kata movement; say an elbow wrench from shisochin kata. The basic bunkai therefore shows what the technique is but not how to "get there" (i.e., applying it against a resisting opponent).

The key to how to "get there" is to invoke principles inculcated through Sanchin/Tensho training and, to invoke the transitional motion of the kata movement as they are designed to support the outcome of the technique in question.

If we look at this movement from shisochin kata as our example - if you attempt to execute the elbow wrench on someone who isn't letting you it is very difficult to do by simply blocking the arm, grabbing it, and locking it (typical kihon bunkai). You have to encourage them to give you the arm, and not try and take it. Encouragement may take various forms, but in essence involves disruption of structure through percussive distraction, and/or through leading a reaction via means of pressure.


  • Hello Sensei! Onigai shimasu! Could you explain to me (and to others) what you mean by your phrase “beginner to organic”? I understand the “beginner”, but what do you mean by “organic”? Does this mean you have trained to the level where your movements are imbedded and natural; where you are not thinking of the movement and it just flows? Domo arigato!

    Derek Martin
  • I just found out you had a blog


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