New Release - Miyagi Chojun Photo Workshop Parts 1 & 2 digital download

GKCglobal Directors

Michelle Enfield Sensei Shisochin

Michelle Enfield Sensei began her study of martial arts in Krav Maga before continuing on to Okinawa Goju-ryu karate. She obtained her first-degree black belt in Okinawa Goju-ryu Karate in 2004. She has traveled to Okinawa to train in addition to many other countries all over the world.

Michelle Sensei’s infectious energy and attitude infuse students with personal power to inspire them to achieve the highest levels of physical achievement and mental mastery. A reflection of this in 2019 was nominated as Women Martial Artist of the year by the British Martial Arts association.

Michelle Sensei was awarded ‘Humanitarian of the Year’ for 2019 by Hanshi Patrick McCarthy, and the International Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Research Society for her work in martial arts and the international community as a whole.

When not at the dojo, Michelle Sensei regularly gives educational talks; she is a Sexual Assault Response Team member licensed advocate in the state of California; she works with community organizations, non-profits, and corporations. She is an active member of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, in addition to being involved in Soroptimist International at the local, regional, national, and international level. Michelle Sensei has served as a Special Olympics coach, fundraising coordinator and certified fitness instructor. In 2019 and 2020 Michelle Sensei was been selected as a delegate at the United Nations for the Commission of the Status of Women raising awareness and conducting important work across the globe.

In addition to her Karate studies, Michelle Sensei is also an avid Kobudo (Okinawa Weapons) practitioner under world renowned instructor and martial arts visionary Cezar Borkowski Hanshi. She was awarded the rank of Shodan under Borkowski Hanshi, May 30, 2022. 

Michelle Sensei holds the title Renshi, Godan, fifth degree black belt in Okinawa Goju-ryu Karate-do, and the rank of Shodan under Borkowski Hanshi, awarded May 30, 2022. .As co-director of GKCglobal she teaches numerous karate seminars in North America and Europe each year. 


Paul Enfield Sensei began studying the martial arts in Oxford, England in 1979; first in Lau Gar Kung Fu, and then Goju-Ryu Karate under Paul Coleman Kyoshi.  He obtained his Shodan, first-degree black belt in 1984 and shortly afterwards journeyed to Okinawa, the birthplace of karate, to study karate full-time.  He remained in Okinawa and Japan for three years and became uchi-deshi (live in student) under Higaonna Morio Hanshi. While in Asia he traveled to Korea, Taiwan, and China to further his research into the martial arts. In 1987 he participated in the first ever official (IOGKF) karate origins research trip to Fuzhou, China, and the Fuzhou Wushu Association.  In 1988 he came to the United States where he has taught karate ever since, founding the Goju Karate Center in Carlsbad, CA in 1992.

In December 1997, Paul Sensei returned to Okinawa to study Goju-ryu karate under World Headmaster for the style, Miyazato Eiichi Hanshi, at this time Goju Karate Center was appointed the San Diego area shibu dojo (branch school) for the Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate-do Association. He later became a student under Taira Masaji Hanshi and was appointed United States west coast representative for Taira’s Kenkyukai organization.  

While Okinawa Goju-ryu karate is Paul’s main area of study he has also studied Tai Chi Chuan, Lau Gar Gung Fu, and Brazilian Jiujitsu.

In 2017 Paul Sensei was awarded eighth-degree black belt by Patrick McCarthy Hanshi director of the International Ryukyu Karate-jutsu Research Society. In the same year he was awarded International Ryukyu Karate Research Society Instructor of the Year Award.

Paul has translated three martial arts books from Japanese to English, and has written martial arts related articles that have been published in the United States and the United Kingdom. In addition to releasing over forty instructional video titles.

Paul and Michelle Enfield founded GKCglobal, an international karate organization in 2017. They currently have members, and member dojo(s) across the globe. They travel widely teaching international seminars each year, in addition to running a robust uchi-deshi (live-in training) program. Furthermore, as part of GKCglobal's unique approach to learning, they founded GKCollege, a novel distance learning program through which they teach in-depth personalized training programs to teachers and students around the world.