New Release - Miyagi Chojun Photo Workshop Parts 1 & 2 digital download


Mission Statement:
To inspire learning with integrity through education and research; to embrace tradition but not be limited by it.

GKCglobal was created with the following people in mind:

• People who like to ask questions,
• People seeking functional karate,
• People who wish to make sense of kata,
• People who appreciate tradition but are not limited by it,
• People seeking guidance in their personal training,
• People seeking rank progression,

There are three types of membership within GKCglobal depending on your goals. These are: Subscriber, Associate Dojo, Shibu Dojo (branch dojo). 

GKCglobal Subscriber 

This is an individual membership that provides access to advanced technical video content and other materials on our Members’ Only Facebook page.

Benefits –

Access to private Facebook page – the private FB page features an extensive instructional video library (that continues to grow), articles, in addition to other materials of interest. Videos include such topics as Kata, Kata Bunkai (application), Training Methods, Strength Training, and more.

Standing discount on any instructional materials at

Access to one group virtual Zoom classes per month.

Enroll here: 

GKCglobal Associate Dojo

For Dojo owners who wish to be part of a legitimate organization and would like to have access to technical and curriculum materials, and have the opportunity to pursue rank advancement if desired (dojo owners may be eligible for Shibu Dojo status upon meeting further conditions).

Benefits –

Certificate of Membership (personalized E-certificate).

Access to private Facebook page – the private FB page features an extensive instructional video library (that continues to grow), articles, in addition to other materials of interest. Videos include such topics as Kata, Kata Bunkai (application), Training Methods, Strength Training, and more.

Standing discount on any instructional materials at

Questions via email/messenger – Email or message us anytime with questions.

Opportunity for Rank Advancement – Let us know your martial arts history, rank, and other relevant information. Rank advancement will be considered on an individual basis.

Access to one group virtual Zoom class per month.

Enroll here:


300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Suite #110A

Carlsbad, CA 92008

Tel: (760) 583-4191
Txt: (760) 583-4191
