New Release - Miyagi Chojun Photo Workshop Parts 1 & 2 digital download

GKCollege Testimonials

“The value of having a customized program to help you succeed in whatever karate goals you have cannot be understated…”

I am a professional karate instructor and have been for more than 20 years…I have been training in goju karate for over 35 years…I have been a student and member of GKCglobal since 2018…
…GKCollege system was a whole other level!  The GKCollege sessions allowed me the freedom and flexibility to receive one-on-one instruction at a time that was convenient for me…
I cannot speak enough to the value of this approach…I submitted video of myself performing course material prior to each session for Sensei Enfield to analyze.  The specialized, and customized, approach in each and every session was the best thing that could have ever been available to me.  
We were able to work on kata detail, application practices, kakie, hoju undo, etc...  Even now that we are able to again train in-person with partners, I still use these sessions and endorse anyone else to take advantage of the opportunity.  The value of having a customized program to help you succeed in whatever karate goals you have cannot be understated…I would not have had such success without the direct guidance and tutelage of Sensei Enfield through the GKCollege experience.
Truly Indebted,
Jonathan Kenney
Ontario, Canada

“…the program was beyond what I imagined it to be…”
“I highly recommend everyone experience GKCollege.”
“The one-on-one classes with Sensei Paul and Sensei Michelle are a martial artist's dream.  Their knowledge and ability to explain are immeasurable.  The experience is priceless.”

…the program was beyond what I imagined it to be… I was able to really expand on my knowledge and skills… To have Sensei Michelle critique my execution of the kata really opened my eyes to where my strengths were and to the areas I needed to work on. 
…Sensei Michelle helped me to shape a curriculum that can be understood by the instructors and easy to follow so that all of our students receive an equivalent Martial Arts education.
I highly recommend everyone experience GKCollege.  You pick your topics and expand on them in future classes, which can only help enhance your martial arts knowledge and skills. The one-on-one classes with Sensei Paul and Sensei Michelle are a martial artist's dream.  Their knowledge and ability to explain are immeasurable.  The experience is priceless.
Katie Forest
South Carolina, USA

“I have learned more than I thought possible online.” 
“When I moved to an extremely remote part of Australia for work I was concerned my karate would be damaged. That couldn’t be further from the truth since becoming part of your online school.”

…in the short time we’ve been training together I have learnt more than I thought possible online. 
When I moved to an extremely remote part of Australia for work I was concerned my karate would be damaged. That couldn’t be further from the truth since becoming part of your online school. 
I’d like to thank you for this opportunity and plan to continue on with this form of training for as long as possible! 
Sam Scott 

“Being able to benefit from world class advanced training in a private setting has been the biggest accelerator in my martial arts training.”

…I entered into GKCollege looking to deepen my understanding of karate. …GKCollege has given me an opportunity to approach my training holistically. I am able to zoom into the nuances of motion in a kata making the techniques more efficient and effective.
 GKCollege has given me the best intersection of private lessons and self-study. The video sessions with Sensei Paul allow me to see myself as others see me. …I am able to watch and rewatch the lessons and not struggle trying to remember what was said.
 …I feel I am making progress, and am maturing in my understanding. I would not have made the advances in understanding without GKCollege. I would not have been able to reignite my passion to learn without GKCollege.
 …GKCollege gives you insight to your practice and study…
 Being able to benefit from world class advanced training in a private setting has been the biggest accelerator in my martial arts training.
Felix Alfonso
Virginia, USA

“…they have created one of the finest sources of information available anywhere in the world.”
“Join GKCollege and you will not be disappointed!”

…the manner in which GKCollege presents the material they cover is applicable to anyone, regardless of “style”... 
…they have created one of the finest sources of information available anywhere in the world.
…their outlook and training methodologies have helped me tremendously! 
…GKCollege has helped to motivate me on a regular basis and encouraged me to seek deeper levels of understanding.  
It is rare, in our modern era, to meet people who are true masters of martial arts.  Paul and Michelle Enfield are indeed the "real deal".  True masters of the art of Karate that we all love.  Join GKCollege and you will not be disappointed!
Kevin Watson 
Myrtle Beach, S.C.

“It has been rewarding and challenging at the same time. “

It has been rewarding and challenging at the same time. 
Improved my Goju quality. 
Be part of an authentic tradition with a world class teacher. 
Matthew Ubertini

“GKC College is a "must" experience.
…You won't be disappointed regardless of your training background. If you come with an open mind you'll leave with a library of knowledge.”

Dennis Pfendler
Arkansas, USA

“It has been wonderful passing on the knowledge I am gaining through training with GKCollege.”
“The only regret I have is not starting GKCollege earlier.”
My experience with GKCollege has been nothing but professional.!

…a signficant improvement in my kata, which has carried through to the rest of my
karate. My physical health and strength have improved… What I am learning in the sessions…is benefiting my karate and the karate of my students. It has been wonderful passing on the knowledge I am gaining through training with GKCollege.
By training one-on-one lessons with a globally recognized Sensei, I feel I am reaping the rewards of opportunities I would not find in New Zealand. I leave training with a feeling of contentment, and with the video recording of each session, I can reference every detail. Sensei Paul teaches in a friendly, clear, and precise manner that is easy to understand, emphasizing the 'Why' not just the 'How".
I highly recommend it.
The only regret I have is not starting GKCollege earlier.
Alistair Bradley
New Zealand

“I recommend their program to anyone that would like to take their martial arts to the next level.”
“GKCollege…has revitalized my Goju practice and teaching.”

…I own and teach at Warriors of Grace Karate in Severn Maryland. I am 68 years old and have been doing Karate since the age of 14. 
..I was blessed to find Paul and Michelle Enfield sensei. I'm impressed with the depth of knowledge, and character… GKCollege…has revitalized my Goju practice and teaching. I recommend their program to anyone that would like to take their martial arts to the next level.
God Bless
Tony Ferrer
Warriors of Grace Karate
Maryland, USA

“…to anyone who wants training in solid martial concepts and techniques to seek out GKC Karate as a supplement to any serious student of the martial arts.” 

My life long journey in the martial arts started as a youth with Goju-Ryu karate. Being able to reconnect with this art through Paul & Michelle Enfield Sensei's has been a fulfilling  and rewarding experience. Their interpretation and execution of karate clearly demonstrates a high level of skill and knowledge achieved through a life long dedication to this discipline. Their detailed and thorough instruction and analysis of martial technique and application, as well as cultural and historical context are very impressive. I say to anyone who wants training in solid martial concepts and techniques to seek out GKC Karate as a supplement to any serious student of the martial arts. 