Sanchin Kata & Tensho Kata 15% off (limited time sale)

GKCglobal EU Tour Seminar 2019 - Chertsey UK

GKCglobal EU Tour Seminar 2019 - Chertsey UK

Regular price $49.95 Sale

This 54 minute fully edited video summarizes key elements of vital principles and practices of kata analysis taught at the GKCglobal EU Seminar Tour 2019, Chertsey UK.
The video summarizes three combative platforms; kakie, connector drill, clinch position taught at the seminar. The theme of the seminar examines how Sanchin and Tensho katas assist and relate to application practices. The video includes a Q & A session where various topics are raised leading to fascinating discussion and practical demonstrations.
This video is free to 2019 Chertsey seminar participants so be sure to use you discount code when ordering. 

Available as a digital file only.